How to change Name on Turkish Airlines flight?

Turkish Airlines Name Change: +1-855-200-0640

To change the name on the Turkish Airlines fare ticket, you need to call the airline's reservation team. You can dial the office phone number of Turkish Airlines, which is +1-855-200-0640. Although, the flight name change can only be possible with the Turkish Airline Name Change Policy. Where there are two similar terms with different meanings: one is modification, and another is change or alteration. So when it's about modifying the passenger's name, it means you can only correct spelling mistakes.

On the other hand, you are free to change the entire name on the flight ticket. You will dive deep into both situations further with this blog.

If you are looking to alter or modify the passenger's name, then connect with the experts. Though the service agents of Turkish can help you where the phone number to contact for the same is +1-855-200-0640.

Turkish Airlines Name Change Policy:

Turkish Airlines name change policy may vary for different airlines, types of routes, and tickets as well. However, there are certain restrictions, such as passengers can’t comply with the same on international flights. However, it can be possible in the case of domestic fare tickets where you have to pay some administration fee. Particular costs and conditions to execute the name change policy come with the terms of fare ticket and travel class.

If you want to know the applicable name change policy as per your own travel class or ticket, then it is advisable to connect directly at +1-855-200-0640. On this call, you can check the eligibility criteria.

Eligibility for change Name Turkish Airlines Policy:

The eligibility criteria are a kind of rulebook to execute the name change policy. Also, if the passenger follows the same with care, then nothing can stop him/her from getting extra perks from the same. If you need to alter or modify the girls on your fare ticket, then you have to consider the points below.

  • Turkish Airlines passengers can only change their name once per flight ticket.
  • Airline does not allow to swap the name of the passenger with another name. Now, you must think about the solution for th same thing; here, in this situation, you can do only one thing: cancel your flight and claim a refund. After that, you can reserve a fresh flight booking.
  • The name change policy of Turkish Airlines is only applicable on the reservation of individual bookings. However, when it comes to changing the name of the passenger in the ticket for a group booking, you have to proceed with the same as per the contract.
  • Turkish Name Change Policy is applicable for both fares, whether restricted or non-restricted. Where your travel class and ticket type are no longer conditions for implementing the policy.

When passengers can change the name on the reservation:

After getting this many details on the Turkish Airlines name change policy, now is a time to explore the scenarios to alter or modify. Though, let’s discuss the reasons why passenger wish to change their name. On the other hand, if you believe more in the live talks, then dial +1-855-200-0640.

Spelling Mistakes:

It can happen that a passenger may write the wrong spelling of their name or that any other passenger who is traveling for. In similar cases, the airline allows you to correct your name. However, to process this, you have to submit your legal documents for validation purposes. Where these documents will decide whether you are eligible to process the name change procedure or not.

Name change in case of marriage or divorce:

If you want to change the passenger name on the flight ticket to Turkish in case of a recent wedding or official separation, then you have to pay the charge. Also, under any circumstance, you can’t claim a name change fee.

Add a middle name:

It is true that only the name change policy of Turkish airline can help you to change or modify the passenger’s name. However, the limitation of this is if you wish to change the middle name then, it can’t facilitates you. So, in that case, it is good to cancel the flight and claim a refund then, make a fresh booking from scratch.

Steps to process the Turkish Name Change policy:

Before starting to execute any of the policies of any air carrier, it is always advisable to explore them first to go effectively. So, if you read all the above details, then you can follow the instructions below.

Check for the Eligibility:

Once you explore the Turkish Name Change policy, you have to check that your are eligible to process the policy or not. In this way, you will be able to make a perk-rich decision accordingly.

Contact customer service:

For a name change, you have to connect with the customer service expert. There are multiple ways to do the same, and all are available at Turish's official site. Apart from this, if you are okay with our choice, then a phone call would be the best choice for you. On the other hand, if you still want to explore all the contact options, then go to the official website and make an efficient decision.

Provide all the necessary details:

After you build a contact bridge with the officials of Turkish then, provide all the details to them. Additionally, you have to share all the legal documents that they need for validation purposes. Where, the very first details they need are about flight like its number, name change reason and also the correct name of the traveler.

Final Thoughts:

Let’s deliver a final thought on this blog. Hope you get a deep view of “how to change name on Turkish Airlines ticket.” Thus, you can understand the difference between modification and alternation of name. If you reach the end and read every section of the blog, then you are ready to execute the Turkish Airlines Mae Change Policy. However, if you can’t implement the same online, then do the same on-call at +1-855-200-0640.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does passenger of can change their name on Turkish Airlines tickets?

Yes, Turkish allows you to do so; however, the airline applies an administration fee for the same. The airline allows you to correct spelling mistakes, but it doesn’t allow you to transfer your flight to someone else. However, to learn more about the same in detail or if you want to process the policy in both cases, you are free to call +1-855-200-0640.

Does Turkish allow you to change flights?

If you change flight before 12 or more hours of departure, then you have to pay the penalty. On the other hand, if there is any difference in fees, then the airline will refund you the amount to your bank account. Passengers can’t alter their flights after departure. Apart from this, there is something you should know that is Turkish and allows you to alter international flights in any scenario.

Is it possible to chat with Turkish Airlines?

Yes, Turkish Airline facilitates its passengers with chate option where, there are more then, one similar features. Additionally when, if comes to contact the customer servants then, there are multiple ways. So, if you want to know all the methods, then go and explore the contact section on the official website.